Corticosteroid Injection
A Corticosteroid injection is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication used to treat a wide range of medical conditions that are not responding to more conservative treatments such as physical therapy or at home remedies. The process involves injecting corticosteroid into the affected joint, tendon, muscle, or the spine to reduce inflammation and pain. The injection typically takes a few days to set in but the full effects of corticosteroids typically take place 3-4 weeks after the injection. In physical therapy we often refer patients for corticosteroid injections for common conditions that are not responding to conservative physical therapy- these most often include arthritis, pinched nerves in the neck and low back pain (radiculopathy/sciatica), tendinopathies such as tennis elbow, gluteal tendonitis, and rotator cuff tendonitis, and other more complex and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Some patients conditions are too severe to see benefits from physical therapy alone and therefore corticosteroid injections are an effective treatment that can allow a patient to complete physical therapy and see progress. The ultimate goal is that physical therapy and corticosteroid injections work in unison to resolve a patients conditions. Patients are often educated and advised to continue physical therapy after receiving their injection to actually restore proper tissue tone and strength, and to prevent symptoms from returning once the effects of the injection wear off (6 weeks to 6 months post injection).
All corticosteroid injections are provided here at our practice by our partner and licensed family nurse practitioner Brittany Raines, MSN, FNP-C, owner of the Healing Injectionist, LLC for $450/per injection. Please see Meet the Team to read more about Brittany. If you are interested in receiving this service please call 720-434-9380.